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双击自动滚屏 发布者:zq1229 发布时间:2016/11/17 15:28:41 阅读:1567次 【字体:

   据悉,本次峰会由中国投资协会、国家质检总局清华大学质量与可靠性研究院、联合国工业发展组织共同发起和支持。中国投资协会理事、新能源投资研究中心主任成惠明在接受记者采访时表示,从国内外发展的经验来看,在高新技术发展的初期,要倡导行业自律规范和企业经营规范,避免企业对政府财政补贴的过度依赖,才能有效防止投资立项一哄而上,规避在新技术发展的初期就出现投资与市场发育相脱节的风险,这其实也是一种变相的“产能过剩 ”风险。在这方面,氢能源开发及应用国际峰会将对接国家相关产业政策,促进国内外的氢能源开发利用的交流与合作,为行业健康发展发挥助力作用。Hydrogen industry need to guard against risk between investment and market development  

In recent years, hydrogen energy with a distinctive feature of green environmental protection, high energy, has become the international field of new energy development is a force in the global energy structure adjustment and playing an increasingly important role in climate change.  
A few days ago, in the first hydrogen energy development and application of international summit, the hydrogen standardization technical committee secretary general Wang Geng introduction, my country is rich in hydrogen energy storage, in hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogenation of key equipment technology has certain breakthrough; In application development of links with hydrogen, has also been widely used in transportation, electricity, heat, gas, and other areas of the society, by 2020, hydrogen production scale of 72 billion cubic meters per year.  
National energy bureau deputy director of the original yuki, said China should grasp the opportunity and timely solve the problems in the industrialization of hydrogen and a breakthrough in technology, extensive international exchanges and cooperation and jointly promote the global energy transformation and sustainable development.  
"Hydrogen research and development has formed a new climax, to speed up the development and applications of hydrogen, the development of" hydrogen economy ", the countries should strengthen the top-level design, ahead of industrial strategy layout. At the same time encourage the relevant enterprises to actively participate in related research and development, concentrating on part of the core technology, key technology for joint research and development applications, industrial chain and related industrial system to build the hydrogen system." The China investment association vice-chairman concurrently secretary general yong-gui zhang thinks, the hydrogen to realize the industrialization development of health, policy and market leading be short of one cannot.  
General administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine executive director of institute of quality and reliability, tsinghua university and Wu Su also expressed a similar view, "the country’s top design and support is very important, but should draw lessons from the past development of photovoltaic industry, the key still depends on market demand, build system, err on the side of the industry chain."  
On the summit, from the industrial chain of enterprise representatives also Shared the results on the development and utilization of hydrogen energy. Car co., LTD., the chief engineer in China xin-ning zhang said that three times in the history of the rail transit traction revolution, is inseparable from the development of technology innovation, the development of rail transit in the new period is called a new round of revolution. In the hydrogen production, energy industry convergence, tsinghua university, director of the school committee, former vice President Zheng Yankang said the school’s hydrogen energy exploration and research projects have made good progress, is willing to advance together with the relevant departments and units of hydrogen energy development and application. The United Nations industrial development organization (unido) chief representative Hu Yuandong also said China’s investment promotion office, will use the resources and power of the United Nations industrial development organization, promote the promotion and application of the hydrogen in the world.  
It is reported that the summit by the China investment association, the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine institute of quality and reliability, tsinghua university, the United Nations industrial development organization jointly sponsored and supported. China investment association, new energy investment research center director ChengHuiMing said in an interview with reporters, from the development experience at home and abroad, at the beginning of the new and high technology development, to advocate self-discipline standard and management regulations of the enterprise, avoid enterprise of excessive dependence on government subsidies, can effectively prevent the investment project rush, avoid appear in the early years of the new technology development risk between investment and market development, it is also a kind of the equivalent of "excess capacity" risk. In this regard, hydrogen energy development and application of international summit will docking relevant national industrial policy, promote the hydrogen energy development and utilization of domestic and foreign exchanges and cooperation, for the healthy development of the industry play a role of booster.  
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